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Bintiva 33cm Balance Disc Set - Black, Blue, Purple, green, gray, orange

Bintiva 33cm Balance Disc Set - Black, Blue, Purple, green, gray, orange

Regular price $173.94
Regular price $173.94 Sale price $173.94
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The Bintiva balance disc is an important strengthening tool to be used by adults and children. The simple act of sitting on the disc activates core abdominal and trunk muscles. Flexor and extensor muscles work in tandem to keep your balance on the disc while continuously strengthening and toning. Through these small, continuous motions that you are making, deep core muscles are constantly stimulated and enhanced. It is very important to maintain an upright posture while seated on the disc. It is however, not meant for sitting only. You can actually stand, kneel, and do all sorts of exercises on it, thereby increasing the benefits of those exercise routines. The disc can also be used as a textured seat cushion and is great for children who have trouble sitting still. The disc allows them to wiggle and move around while staying seated. Educators and parents alike report great success using them to help calm children who have a hard time sitting still; they have recognized that, for many restless children, these wiggly seat cushions have a calming effect. Balance cushions are also recommended for when it is necessary to sit for extended periods of time, such as long car, and airplane rides. The disc can provide an ergonomic seating base to relieve pressure from the back and spine. Like all Bintiva products, our discs are backed by a 100% manufacturers warranty.
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